Queremos comunicarles que en Star Automation, S.L. estamos operativos, tanto por e-mail (Necessites javascript per veure aquest correu-e), como por teléfono 93 840 32 17, en nuestro horario habitual de 08:00 a 14:00 y de 15:00 a 18:00 horas, por lo tanto pueden hacernos llegar sus consultas y pedidos con normalidad.
Les informamos que debido a las restricciones que el gobierno está tomando para frenar la propagación del COVID-19, desde la empresa hemos adoptado las siguientes medidas:
- Quedan restringidas las visitas comerciales, hasta nuevo aviso.
- Para la entrega y recogida de materiales se harán, siguiendo todas las pautas proporcionadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los Centros para el Control y las Autoridades de Salud.
En función de la evolución de esta pandemia, no descartamos que pueda verse afectado el proceso productivo y de logística de nuestras representadas y, por tanto, a nuestros compromisos de entregas.
Lamentamos mucho esta situación y desde Star Automation, S.L. intentaremos servirles y atenderles cómo siempre, con la esperanza que todo vuelva a la normalidad lo antes posible.
Reciban un saludo muy cordial.
Star Automation, S.L.
Lamentamos mucho esta situación y desde Star Automation, S.L. intentaremos servirles y atenderles cómo siempre, con la esperanza que todo vuelva a la normalidad lo antes posible.
Reciban un saludo muy cordial.
Star Automation, S.L.
We want to inform you that at Star Automation, S.L. We are operational, both by e-mail (Necessites javascript per veure aquest correu-e), and by phone 93 840 32 17, in our usual hours from 8:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00, therefore they can send us yours inquiries and purchase orders normally.
We inform you that due to the restrictions that the government is taking to stop the spread of COVID-19, from the company we have adopted the following measures:
- Commercial visits are restricted, until further notice.
We inform you that due to the restrictions that the government is taking to stop the spread of COVID-19, from the company we have adopted the following measures:
- Commercial visits are restricted, until further notice.
- For the delivery and pick up of goods will be made, following all the guidelines provided by la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), the Control Centers and Health Authorities.
Depending on the evolution of this pandemic, it's possible that the production and logistics process of our represented companies and, therefore, our delivery commitments, may be affected.
We are very sorry for this situation and from Star Automation, S.L. we'll try to attend and serve you as usual, hoping that everything will return to normal as soon as possible.
Receive a very cordial greeting.
Star Automation, S.L.
Depending on the evolution of this pandemic, it's possible that the production and logistics process of our represented companies and, therefore, our delivery commitments, may be affected.
We are very sorry for this situation and from Star Automation, S.L. we'll try to attend and serve you as usual, hoping that everything will return to normal as soon as possible.
Receive a very cordial greeting.
Star Automation, S.L.
Archivado en: Star Automation